Getting settled in.
We're back home from our trip. The drive down to Florida was fun (we made lots of stops) and Lauren's wedding was beautiful. Just getting settled in here - doing laundry, cleaning, and getting back into our usual routines. I'll be back to some crafting soon, I hope.
OH! And I got my Project 365 Kit - FINALLY! Thanks to my dear mom, who ordered them for us on January 1st! I've been so busy getting the house back in order after our trip, I haven't even taken it out of the box yet! But I can't wait to dig into it, get my pictures printed, and start putting it together!
OH! And I got my Project 365 Kit - FINALLY! Thanks to my dear mom, who ordered them for us on January 1st! I've been so busy getting the house back in order after our trip, I haven't even taken it out of the box yet! But I can't wait to dig into it, get my pictures printed, and start putting it together!