Country Fair

The bandstand had a local polka band playing tonight. They were very fun. We didn't get to listen for very long because Jack wanted to do the rides ALL NIGHT, but I easily could have hung around and enjoyed the polka music for a while.

John and Jack are leaving for a little road trip to Florida to visit some friends tomorrow after lunch. So tonight was our only opportunity to go to the fair as a family. I may go again with some friends another night this week - since I'll have so much time on my hands ;)
Jack loves carnival games, but he was only allowed to play one. He picked the fishing game and he won a big beach ball :)
Of course, he rode on TONS of rides. The fire truck was the first one he rode on. He begged us to let him do a ride before we ate dinner. I totally gave in - and I actually let him ride two before dinner! I mean, the fair only comes to town once a year - and it was pretty much "all about Jack" all night long.

Last year Jack wasn't really into the ferris wheel. It went to high for his taste. But this year he was eager to get on it. John took him and he yelled and waved down to us (my parents came, too) the whole time. He wasn't even scared when they were stopped all the way at the top to let other passengers on.
And this was Jack's favorite "ride" of the entire fair. He must have gone on it half a dozen times! It was just a little sort of "kiddie" fun house. They went over rolling things, up steps, over a see-saw thing, up a rope climb, across a swinging bridge, and down a long sliding board. I didn't think my sensitive little Jack would like it and I actually discouraged him from going in, but he begged and said he really wanted to, so I gave in. I'm SO glad I did - because he showed me that he's not a little baby anymore. He's a more grown-up kid who can do more independent things. *sigh*
Jack was a BEAR when we got home this evening. He didn't want to say goodbye to my parents (he hates saying goodbye to anyone lately - except me). He didn't want to take a bath. And he did NOT want to go to bed. Of course, it took him all of about thirty seconds to fall asleep once his head hit the pillow. It was a big night for him :)

By the way - John sent me this link a few days ago of the 100 best places to live, according to Money Magazine. I was very happy, though not surprised, to see West Goshen, PA at number 12! Here's a link.
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