Choo Choo!

Words cannot express the emotions that I felt watching Jack seeing Thomas for the first time. OK, it's nauseatingly sappy, but I actually CRIED when Thomas pulled up for the first time because Jack was so happy and excited. OY - I can't believe I just admitted that. I'm one sick puppy.
Anyway, it's been a week and Jack STILL talks about Thomas every day. I've had a difficult time getting that hat away from him. And he's been sleeping with the whistle. He's a Thomas fanatic, for sure :)
Jen - Paddy just went for his first day out this past May and you are not alone in Sapland....I cried too - Patrick was literally jumping out of his skin. He was so happy he was pratically yelling the whole day --- "I SEE HIM MOMMA! I SEE THOMAS __ THERE HE IS MOMMA! I SEE HIM!"
Glad that Jack had such a great time and that is a great pic of him!
oh my gosh he is so cute. catie can't wait to go to jojo/little einsteins lunch with him
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